Bacona Design

video collection

Translate from mathematics to computer code: Translate reflected equation.pdf

Timer Timer

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Here is the timer I use for cooking, and to make sure I don't miss either Elecraft CW net. The image on the left is from Windows 7 while the one on the right is it running under Ubuntu. The code is native to Windows. I use wine64 to run it on PopOS, this should also work under the Macintosh OS. There are nine timers, ranging from 1 minute to 4 hours, each running independently, and with a distinctive alarm. This is a very simple, light weight application. I use it almost every day so I know it works. The user interface is simple: left click any, or all of the, button(s) to activate the marked time interval. If you want to reset, or shut off, a timer just right click on its button. When you unzip the file you will find the application with an associated sound folder. If you want to move the application the sound folder must move to the same location. If you want to change an alarm simply record the sound file you like and rename it to one of the existing sound file names.

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